What was once known as the western half of the United States, is now known as a separate country called the republic, a plague-infested land at war with its eastern neighbors, the colonies. This book is an action filled adventure, going through the first person thoughts and actions of each character, let’s dive in.
The book starts out centered on a 15 year old boy named Day. Day is a national criminal after failing his trial (a test that all children have to take once their 10) and being a nuisance to the republic, downing fighter jets, and such. Each chapter switches between Day and June, already a military prodigy at the age of 15 years old. After Day steals plague suppressants from a hospital for his dying younger brother, he supposedly kills June's older brother, Metias, to escape. After June hears of this, she is desperate to avenge her brother's death, so she goes on an undercover mission in the slum sectors of Los Angeles, hoping to find information on Day. After coming across an illegal, underground fighting ring, (a skiz fight) she is pushed into the ring, where Tess (Day's acquaintance) saves her. Since Day and Tess' identities are unknown, June has no idea that Day is her savior, and travels around the city with them. After finding a clue that "the boy" is Day, Tess follows him and gives away his position to her superiors, leading to Day's capture. In the streets, the two became quite close, and Day told June that he believes the Republic uses the Republican people as lab rats for testing their plagues, before using them against the Colonies.
In conclusion, I think this book lives up to the review I gave it. I loved how every chapter ended with a cliffhanger, keeping the lights on late into the night. Definitely one of the best singular books I've ever read, but don't take my opinion, go read it for yourself!