Book Review: Darth Bane: Rule of Two

Darth Bane: Rule of Two
Title of Book
Karpyshyn, Drew
4 stars = Really Good

After getting a taste of the raw thrills provided by Drew Karpyshyn’s first novel, Darth Bane: Rule of Two was a must-have! Now having destroyed the Brotherhood of Darkness, Bane must find a suitable apprentice to carry on the power of the Dark Side; His choice: a little girl called Rain who, despite her size, is immensely powerful in the dark side. Bane must struggle to trust his choice of an apprentice, for the future of the Sith relies on it, while Rain must prove that she is worthy of the title of a master. With a similar mix of action as the previous book, this novel also incorporates an integral struggle, making it even more interesting. Darth Bane: Rule of Two will certainly have your hyperdrive engines ready to boost to the third and final book of the series!

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The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
Title of Book
Collins, Suzanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book is a great young adult novel for anyone who likes the dystopian and fiction genre. In a post-apocalyptic world where everyone is divided into districts, there is an annual competition in which one boy and one girl from each of the twelve districts get picked to fight to the death in a game called "The Hunger Games." The book follows a teenage girl from District Twelve named Katniss Everdeen. The 74th Hunger Games is soon approaching, and when Katniss gets picked to participate her whole world gets flipped upside down. She must work together with her district partner Peeta while using her wits and determination to win the games and return home in victory. I chose to read this book because I think the themes and messages the author tries to convey in her story are interesting and important. I enjoyed the suspense in the book and the in-depth view of the main character's thoughts and emotions. I think this book is important to read and has a lot of interesting messages throughout the story. Although this book may not be for everyone it is certainly a must-read in my opinion.

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the Infinity Particle

The Infinity Particle
Title of Book
Xu, Wendy
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I loved this book so much! It is set in the future, where humanity has expanded and moved to Mars. We follow a girl called Clem, and her robot SENA, who have moved to Mars for an internship with Clem’s idol. While working at the internship, Clem meets a personal build humanoid robot named Kye. Soon, Kye starts to malfunction, and the only one who can help him is Clem. They both have to delve deep into their pasts to solve what’s going on, and they become very close along the way. This book is filled with mystery, romance and secrets hidden in the past. 10/10 recommend!

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The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
Title of Book
Collins, Suzanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book had great characters, an amazing plot, and a well thought out structure! The hunger games is a book where every year, two children, a boy and a girl, from each of the 12 districts must go into an arena and fight to the death. The last child standings wins. Katniss Everdeen lives in district 12, the poorest district. When the reaping day comes, she volunteers as tribute instead of her little sister. She gets transported to the capitol, where she is prepared for the games. Once inside the arena, the book takes a many turns, and you’re left in suspense for a while! It was amazing, and a great read. 10/10 recommend.

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Only Human

Only Human
Title of Book
Neuvel, Sylvain
3 stars = Pretty Good

While I was not actively looking forward to finishing this trilogy, I’m glad I finished it for the sense of closure it brought. I still think Sleeping Giants had such an intriguing concept in how it relayed information to the reader, but that you could only really make that work for a single book. With a cliffhanger in each book of the series, I was hoping Only Human would wrap up everything and provide a satisfying conclusion. It certainly did its best to answer all the questions that came up during the previous books, but the ending didn’t particularly wow me.

The difficulty of maintaining a narrative through reports and journal entries is only exacerbated here because the human characters are the only ones who can convey what it is like to live on an alien planet. The jumping back and forth between the past and present was an OK way to hide some of the bigger reveals, but the biggest problem is the snarky nature of most of the characters. I know it’s likely written for laughs, but after a while it becomes tiresome as the events unfold.

In terms of its message, Only Human didn’t feel like it had anything new to say. Introducing the aliens after everything that they put humanity through in Waking Gods felt somewhat anticlimactic as the major action of this book centered on the same old arms race between countries on Earth. Sure, the moral of the story was perhaps clearer here than in the previous books, but probably more as a foot stomp to make sure the readers got the point of the entire series. If I were to recommend the Themis Files again, I’d suggest readers stick to just the first book.

An ending that tied up loose ends but didn’t particularly wow, I give Only Human 3.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin W.

Sonic The Hedgehog Volume 4: Infection

Cover of Sonic The Hedgehog Volume 4: Infection
Ian Flynn
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Sonic The Hedgehog Volume 4: Infection is Sonic-speed thrills from cover to cover! Dr. Eggman is gone for good. A happily retired handyman, he’s a threat no longer — or so everyone thought. Now, a new foe has emerged from the shadows and signs are pointing to the return of the doctor’s dark side. As Eggman’s allies slowly increase in numbers, Sonic must rush to find him again. It won’t be easy, though— the devious doctor and his fiendish friends are cooking up a new superweapon that even Sonic and friends can’t contain!!! Combing Ian Flynn’s story writing skills and the art of Adam Bryce Thomas, Diana Skelly, Tracy Yardley and Jack Lawrence, Sonic The Hedgehog Volume 4: Infection is a real treat!

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Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 3: Battle For Angel Island

Cover for Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 3: Battle For Angel Island
Ian Flynn
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Sonic is back for more way-past-cool adventures in Ian Flynn’s Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 3: Battle For Angel Island! Neo Metal Sonic, the super-powered steel nemesis, has conquered Angel Island and claimed the Master Emerald as his prize. Now, Sonic, alongside Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, and the rest of the Resistance fighters, must prepare for the fight of their lives in order to prevent Neo Metal Sonic from reviving Dr. Eggman’s terrifying Empire. As the battle goes on, though, Neo Metal Sonic becomes increasingly stronger. Can Sonic stop the robot’s rampage, or will he succumb to the “perfect version” of himself? With awesome art by Tracy Yardley and Evan Stanley, no Sonic fan will be able to resist Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 3: Battle For Angel Island!

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Sonic The Hedgehog Volume 2: The Fate of Dr. Eggman

Cover of Sonic The Hedgehog Volume 2: The Fate of Dr. Eggman
Ian Flynn
3 stars = Pretty Good

Ready for more exciting adventures? Sonic The Hedgehog Volume 2: The Fate of Dr. Eggman has just that! Since Dr. Eggman’s mysterious disappearance, Sonic has been dashing around the world hunting for him — and whoever is controlling his robot army. But when Sonic, with the help of the Chaotix Detective Agency, finally locates him, he’s in for a big surprise! And that’s not all— Shadow, Sonic’s grim rival, is also hunting for Eggman. While dealing with this problem, Sonic also must uncover the true identity of the Eggman Empire’s new leader. Sonic will have to be at his fastest if the day is going to be saved! Written by Sonic super-enthusiast Ian Flynn and featuring art by Tracy Yardley, Adam Bryce Thomas, and Evan Stanley, along with tons of fantastic cover art, this comic collection is essential for any action lover!

Reviewer's Name

After Earth

After Earth
Title of Book
David, Peter
1 star = Yuck!

It's weird how a bit of hindsight brings a work into full focus. I never watched the movie After Earth (2013) because of its critical reception among audiences and critics alike. I figured maybe I would give the novel a try, not realizing it was not some work that the movie adapted, but instead a novelization of the movie itself. This was clearly a Will Smith passion project and never have I seen such blatant self-inserts in a work of fiction.

While the author of this novelization may be Peter David, Will Smith was behind much of this plot. Seeing the home life of the adult character in this book mirroring the home life that we know between Will and Jada is cringe-worthy. What's worse is that these characters (either the Will or the Jaden stand-ins) were so flat and boring as to be completely worthless. The plot that drives their adventure felt so juvenile that any group of six-year-olds could think it up playing on a playground. It's almost laughable that there were signs this was meant to be a bigger series.

Ultimately, After Earth is frustrating. It's a mediocre story with lackluster ideas. But, since a rich and famous person wanted to make it, Hollywood and Random House spent a lot of money to get it made. Thinking of all the fantastic (and nearly hidden) indie stories out there that will never get the amount of exposure that this bomb got makes me sad for the entertainment industry. Sure, sometimes there are breakthroughs, but these are rare as the rough edges of interesting works are sanded off to become marketable to the masses.

A nepotism story with no subtlety, I give After Earth 1.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin W.

Legion: Skin Deep

Legion: Skin Deep
Title of Book
Sanderson, Brandon
4 stars = Really Good

Multiple personalities is one of those tropes that some writers use as a crutch to explain why their main character is so good at a litany of unique skills necessary to move the plot forward. And while the main character in Legion suffers from this superhuman trait, Brandon Sanderson still gives him enough weaknesses so that it's not entirely overpowered. Still, I can appreciate that this concept only took up three novellas (contained in this volume), since it can often overstay its welcome.

Each of the stories revolves around Stephen Leeds, a super-genius investigator who has portioned off his polymath of abilities to different personalities in his head. These personalities take up a physical space around him, even if nobody else can see them. Some of the "rules" around these invisible characters didn't seem to make much sense since they're allegedly all in Stephen's head, but I guess a character like this needs a Kryptonite to prevent him from solving all his problems so easily. I also had to suspend my disbelief with the mysteries Stephen was investigating, mostly rolling my eyes at the unbelievable nature of these concepts.

Overall, though, this trilogy of novellas is a solid read. It's basically a novel in three parts, as I've read full books longer than these three novellas put together. The unique personalities of the "personalities" were all quite entertaining, even if they overshadowed Stephen's somewhat milquetoast characteristics. The engineer in me wanted to know more about how this specific form of multiple personality disorder functioned, since it was a unique take on the disability. At any rate, if you're a fan of Sanderson's work, this is a quick read that proves he knows how to write in short form as well as his standard epic-length books.

An overdone trope that doesn't overstay its welcome, I give Legion 4.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin W.
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