Book Review: The Westing Game

The Westing Game
Title of Book
Raskin, Ellen
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

When smoke emerges from the house of the wealthy Samuel W. Westing and he is found dead, his sixteen heirs are invited to the reading of his will. Soon they will find themselves involved in a game to win his fortune, divided into pairs they must use nonsensical clues to win the game. No one is able to trust any of the other heirs, so when a huge snowstorm traps some of them together tensions are high. With unexpected twists in every corner of the book Ellen Raskin’s The Westing Game is a must read for any mystery lover. Every character is crafted brilliantly, with unique backstories and great character development. This book keeps you on your toes the whole time, with great vocabulary and a unique plot it is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. The Westing Game is a perfect mystery novel for people of many ages and keeps you wanting more.

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The Giver

Cover of The Giver by Lois Lowry
Title of Book
Lois Lowry
4 stars = Really Good

“The Giver” is a book that really stands out in a crowd. In this enchanting tale by Lois Lowry, a two-time Newberry Medal winner, a young boy named Jonas lives in a perfect society. There is no pain. No sickness. No hunger. However, when he is assigned to his job in the Community, he is singled out and given a special job. Suddenly, everything is different. Jonas is able to see things- feel things- in a way that he never has before. Can Jonas find the flaws that he was blind to before and restore life to his Community? For those who like slow, thought provoking stories, The Giver is a gem to keep on your bookshelf. Plus, it is one of four moving chapters in a quartet that avid readers are sure to enjoy.

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Book Review: Island of the Blue Dolphins

O'Dell, Scott
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Scott O'Dell's novel, Island of the Blue Dolphins, is a fantastic book about a girl named Karana who has to learn to survive on an island all by herself. She goes through many sad and painful experiences, but also exciting and interesting ones. Karana meets many animals, and has to make a new life on her own at the island. I think this was one of the best books I have read this year, because of its unique plot and thrilling events. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves animals, survival, and adventure.

Reviewer Grade: 8

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Book Review: The Graveyard Book

Title of Book
Gaiman, Neil
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Graveyard Book, written by Neil Gaiman, is a mystical, interesting book. In the book, a young boy is taken in and cared for by ghosts of a graveyard. The boy is kept in secret, and is named Bod, short for Nobody. The book follows Bod's adventures in growing up and continuing his life, in and out of the graveyard. I thought this was a great book, packed full of magic special characters. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, but mostly a more mature audience, because there are some parts that I feel are harder to understand if you are younger, and at some parts the book is a little slow. But overall I think this was one of the best books I've read this year!

Reviewer Grade: 8

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The Giver

Title of Book
Lowry, Lois
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This story follows the main perspective of Jonas. Jonas lives in an alleged utopian society. They feel no pain, see no colors, feel no love, and hear no music. At the age of 12 every child is given an assignment based on their abilities and what they excel in. Jonas was living a perfect life until his cycle was broken. When Jonas turned 12 he was decided to be the receiver of memory, the highest role in the community. Now everything that Jonas once thought was true and right all come crashing down leaving him with a reality of the community that he can no longer stand for.

The giver is an amazing book full of surprising twists and just a spectacular over all plot. Lois Lowry did an excellent job of not only creating a completely fascinating story, but also leaving you wondering once you finish the read. A main theme of the giver could be the significance of memories to all life. The giver is a dystopian novel as the citizens are living in an extremely censored version of life. I did not particularly enjoy some of the more disturbing memories of death and war that Jonas receives but it is important that they are present so that Jonas will make the final decision. The giver is an amazing book that all would enjoy!

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Title of Book
Sachar, Louis
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Stanley Yelnats was walking home from his last day of school, on an ordinary evening when out of the blue, a pair of baseball shoes fell from what seemed like the sky. Once recovered from the sudden shock, Stanley began to recognize this pair of shoes as the famous baseball player Clyde Livingston’s famous cleats. He was in such revelation at that moment that he hardly heard the police car pull up behind him. The officer stepped out, grasped the shoes from Stanley, and in return, placed handcuffs on his wrongly accused wrists. Stanley then travels to Camp Green Lake where he and many others are forced to dig holes exactly five feet deep, and five feet wide by the dreaded warden, the repulsive Mr. Sir, and finally the kind but still quite annoying Mr. Pendanski. It had only been a few days ago when he was unjustly convicted of a crime and sent to supposedly build character in what looked and felt like the most hottest and driest place on the planet. He and the others were forced to live in devastating conditions which included the worst of the worst living conditions. Days and days pass as Stanley meets new friends and foes but also as a newly found mysteries arise. Is the warden actually having the campers dig for character or perhaps something else? Is Stanley here because of the supposed curse on his family? And what other treasures could lie in this vast desert.

This book was an overall spectacular read. I had chosen to read this Louis Sachar novel because many of my friends had requested it to me along with many of my past and present teachers. I thought it would be a fun read and a possible new experience. Some of the many things that I really liked in this book was the exciting and suspenseful story along with the explicit details listed throughout the story. This book was amazing and barely had any flaws but if I had to think of one, I could have liked the organization and structure of the novel to have been a little better. Each chapter was very short and I would have liked them to be at least a little longer, but as mentioned before, there were close to none, if not any, very big dislikes in this wonderfully written novel. Readers who love a little mystery, some suspense, and a great story line would love this book.

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Book Review: Charlotte's Web

Title of Book
White, E. B.
3 stars = Pretty Good

This book was good, but kind of old. It is a book about a girl named fern and she saved a pig from being killed. She named him Wilbur and he became kind of like her pet. Wilbur became bff's with a spider named Charlotte. I did like how the author described everything. It was very sweet how she made you feel like Wilbur and Charlotte were real and they were really friends. I did get nervous before the ending of the story for how it would end up.
-an almost 9th grader

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Book Review: The Giver

Title of Book
Lowry, Lois
4 stars = Really Good

I picked The Giver by Lois Lowry because it is on the Skyview Middle School Battle of the Books list. All books from this list have been amazing, and this particular one has a main character with the same name as my brother: Jonas. I enjoyed hearing about their way of life, the simplicity yet complexity of it. I also liked how everyone knew when to apologize, and everything about their life and job. Each job in the Community is given to a person who seems they would enjoy it. However, as the book goes on, you see the compassion of the community, or lack thereof. This book was very surprising to me at first. But it was easy to guess what was going to happen in Chapter 20 after the events of Chapter 19. I do find it a not very relatable book, but it does remind me of history. Seemingly perfect, wealthy, kind countries with dark, gaping holes underneath the pretty exterior. The ending of this book, I feel, is incomplete. Overall, I really enjoyed this book.

(Grade: 7)

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Book Review: When You Reach Me

Title of Book
Stead, Rebecca
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

When You Reach Me is one of my favorite books of all time. It is such a compelling mystery from the perspective of a sixth-grader who is wise for her age. Miranda contemplates theories of time travel and the effect of the past on the future in a light-hearted manner that makes this story impossible to put down. I love every character and reading their dialogue always gets me to think about the importance of kindness and our relationships as humans during such a short time on Earth. If you love a philosophical mystery or are just looking to get out of a reading slump, give this book a try!

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Book Review: The Giver

Title of Book
Lowry, Lois
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Giver is an eloquent novel that contains a meaning that eludes to a greater concept. It contains several twists that are revealed at the end making the book an interesting and exciting read. At the beginning of the novel, you are shown a world of gray and conformity, yet as the story progresses, you are introduced into a world of color and prominence. The characters are what make the book the great piece it is, and the way they are written allows you to relate to each of the characters. Overall an excellent book that I would absolutely read again.

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