
The Road to Little Dribbling

The Road to Little Dribbling
Bryson, Bill
2 stars = Meh

keep forgetting that Bill Bryson’s books are hit-or-miss for me. I’ll read one and think it’s great, then proceed to another and find myself disappointed. Perhaps I’ve already read the good books from his bibliography and now all I’m left with are the ones that aren’t. I’ll usually forget that I’ve been disappointed after a few months or years of not reading Bryson, which inevitably leads me to remembering his good books and giving it another shot. The Road to Little Dribbling is another book I’d put on the “bad” pile.

While I never read the book that preceded this one, I didn’t need any context to determine The Road to Little Dribbling’s major flaw. As a Millennial, I am often annoyed by Boomer-age people who bemoan that things “used to be better.” They’ll moan about prices being lower, quality being better, and everyone living happily together in blissful togetherness. Those sentiments are the entire basis of this book. Maybe it’s supposed to be read as humor, but most of this book felt like the spiteful mutterings of a grumpy old man.

The issue with memoirs is that the main character is usually the author. In this book, the main character is not likable by any means. He talks down to everyone and paints them as idiots. The few slightly amusing bits were only when he proved to be the fool in a scenario that had gotten him hot and bothered. Listening to this audiobook in the car, it felt like I was driving around with someone who I would not have given a ride to in the first place. None of the positives of his journey stuck out to me because every other commentary provided was full of sour gripes.

A memoir full of whiny complaints about how the past was better, I give The Road to Little Dribbling 2.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin W.

Book Review: Alive!

Reader's Digest Association
4 stars = Really Good

“Alive” is a heart-pumping, edge-of-your-seat thrill ride from beginning to end! Dozens of harrowing true stories from ordinary people who have have stared death in the eye and lived have been compiled into one book for the ultimate tale of survival. Whether it’s a devastating tornado, a collapsing ice cave or a bloodthirsty shark, “Alive!” has nothing but nonstop adventures from cover to cover. “Alive!” is a must-read for thrill-seekers everywhere. Kids, don’t try this at home!

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Book Review: A Dash of Style

Lukeman, Noah
4 stars = Really Good

"A Dash of Style: The Art and Mastery of Punctuation” truly sheds a new light on the mysterious world of punctuation. In his book, Lukeman examines each and every one of the illustrious yet overlooked punctuation marks in the English language. After discussing each mark’s unique qualities and the ways in which to employ them, he turns to the reader and provides simple yet effective exercises to give the them a grasp on the teachings of the chapter. He also uses incredible insight to determine the type of writer that over- and under- uses each type of punctuation mark, and imprints on the reader a better understanding of what punctuation does to a piece of writing. This book is a crucial piece of literature for writers and non-writers alike. “A Dash of Style: The Art and Mastery of Punctuation” definitely leaves a mark on its readers!

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Book Review: What If? 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

Munroe, Randall
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

“What If? 2” is a must-have for both information and entertainment! Randall Munroe takes the wildest want-to-know questions from curious minds and presents them with serious — yet hilarious — scientific answers. From filling the solar system with soup to creating raging candy storms, Munroe comically lays out the effects of each silly scenario. Curious minds will devour this book full of the perfect balance of fact and fiction. “What If? 2” finds a whole new purpose for the world of science!

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

Rae, Issa
4 stars = Really Good

This book follows Issa Rae, a half-Senegalese actress and producer (she was the president in Barbie and also stars in Insecure!). The book follows Issa as she tries to find herself throughout her life because she has always felt awkward and how she has come to terms with herself. This book is extremely funny. While most of the book has humorous undertones, there are sections that are quite serious. Issa Rae writes about her life in an upwardly mobile immigrant family & her painful attempts to be cool. You don't have to be awkward or black to enjoy this book.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: Nazi Saboteurs: Hitler's Secret Attack on America

Seiple, Samantha
4 stars = Really Good

Nazi Saboteurs is a book about this group of boys who try to stop the evil of the nazis. Through this novel they face many difficult situations that they overcome with the support of others. The book includes pictures that assist the reader to grasp a better understanding of the text. Nazi Saboteurs was released in December of 2019 and has two hundred twenty-four pages that tell of hardships, action, and suspense. It is important to not forget the past, even if it was not ethical. This story shows the light in the darkest times. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe

Gray, Theodore
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I truly have nothing bad to say about Theodore Gray’s book, The Elements. It is is both informational and entertaining, making it a super engaging read. It is chock full of facts about the periodic table and every element in it. Gray combines firsthand experience, intelligence and insight with wit and dry humor to make his element explanation stand out in the world of nonfiction. Along with the superior style in which is written, The Elements also uses stunning photographs of the author’s actual collection of items representing the periodic table’s vast content. In short, The Elements is an absolutely astonishing piece of work. Putting it down is impossible!

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: Black Klansman

Stallworth, Ron
3 stars = Pretty Good

Who knew history could be so ironic? It’s 1978, and the Ku Klux Klan is on the rise in the community of Colorado Springs. Ron Stallsworth, the first African-American detective in the Colorado Springs Police Department, launches an undercover investigation with the mission to thwart the Ku Klux Klan’s infiltration into Colorado Springs. Ron Stallsworth can only communicate via the telephone, so he recruits the “white” Ron Stallsworth, Chuck, to conduct all face-to-face meetings. This creates the perfect breeding ground for irony, insanity, and idiocy.

Out of the pure insanity of the circumstances and the idiocy of the Colorado Ku Klux Klan, this book had me uncontrollably laughing. While the writing style leaves much to be desired, the narrative more than bridges the gap. The BlackKlansmen is a wonderful memoir about standing up to terrorism and hate.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: Geek Girl Rising

Cabot, Heather
4 stars = Really Good

'Geek Girl Rising: Inside the Sisterhood Shaking Up Tech' is a nonfiction book focusing on the women who have taken their place in the tech industry, placing special focus on the women who help empower other women. Each woman is given a snapshot of her successes and story.

The highlight of this books is learning about these impressive women. I can imagine this would be especially empowering for girls who are looking to get into this industry. Over one hundred women are mentioned, and a list of them are included at the end of the book for reference. Furthermore, with this book at the ready, it would be impossible to claim that there aren't sucessful women in tech.

The writing style is quick and snappy, not lingering on any point for too long. It focuses on telling as many stories as possible. However, none of the stories feel empty. Lots of information is fit into small spaces.

My only complaint is that I wished the book had gone more into detail about the challenges women in the industry face. There were brief mentions of sexism in the workplace, but it wasn't discussed much. Though I understand that the point of the book is to inspire, I would have liked a better understanding of why empowerment is so needed in the tech world.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone interested in the tech industry or feminism. I would especially recommend it to anyone looking for female role models.

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Book review: The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains: Oddball Criminals from Comic Book History

Morris, Jon
3 stars = Pretty Good

With the success of comic book movies in the last decade, it's sometimes hard to forget that these films don't explore all of what the pulpy medium offered. The rise in popularity of comics in a few different "eras" inevitably led to saturation in the medium. When something becomes saturated, creators don't care as much about what they're putting out, since everything sells. This is how a book like The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains can collect quite a few foes that were better left forgotten.

If there's anything this book does well, it's showing how simple and bland the early years of comics were. Perhaps I'm just used to the modern era that's had decades to figure out which superheroes and supervillains work best. Many of the early comic villains are forgettable, indicating a lack of imagination on the part of their creators. Unfortunately, since this book collects a lot of these villains in one place, it is boring to get through. After a few pages of supervillain puns, I got the "joke" this book was trying to make. And it just kept going.

While I understand organizing this book chronologically showed how these regrettable supervillains evolved over the years, I think it might have had more variety if it just stuck to being exclusively alphabetical. After all, it would have kept my attention a little better if I learned about a villain like Lepus before being reminded that M.O.D.O.K. exists. Perhaps my surface-level interest in comic books (especially the classics) is why it took me a while to get through this book. Still, if you want to be a super-fan of this medium, you might already know about Doctor Voodoo, which might make this humorous commentary on him a moot point.

A slightly amusing gimmick that highlights the lack of early comic book creativity, I give The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains 3.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin W.