H Is For Hawk

H Is For Hawk
Title of Book
Macdonald, Helen
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

A book you can't put down, but have to in order to digest each chapter fully. Macdonald ties in the experience of grief with her study and work with the most violent falcons. Reflective, penetrating, psychic, and wise - Macdonald connects seemingly unrelated topics to the basics of the human condition - effortlessly, as if her words are music and poetry flowing in and out of various moments in time. A book you will want to re-read once you finish it. Truly an original piece of work!

Reviewer's Name

Elon Musk

Elon Musk
Title of Book
Isaacson, Walter
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson is a tremendous book from start to finish. It captures the complete story of the billionaire and does not hesitate upon showing the many struggles he overcame to reach the level he is at today. It is completely unbiased and shows the many positives and negatives of Musk's personality. The amount of detail cannot be found within any other Musk paragraph. I highly recommend this book to readers with aspirations of starting their own business.

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Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands

Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands
Beaton, Kate
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Having only really experienced Kate Beaton's web comic, Hark! A Vagrant and her sillier material, I was interested to see how a graphic novel of her life would play out on the printed page. I was shocked to find her somewhat whimsical style had so much emotion for a story that was assuredly a difficult one to tell. Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands is as gripping as it is frustrating that such working conditions remain this dangerous for women.

Telling the story of how Beaton paid off her student loans from art school in the fastest way possible, Ducks highlights the misogyny and sexism present in the (frankly) male-dominated field of petroleum. Working on the oil sands isn't safe in a physical sense, but add to that the "hanging with the guys" tropes that eventually lead to assault. It was hard to read sections of this book, knowing that men should be better than this. Beaton pours her trauma out on the page and it stuck with me in a way that only a graphic novel like this could convey.

I'd say that this book should be required reading for both men and women going into these fields, but I know it probably wouldn't change anything. There's too much inertia to effect the significant changes that would need to happen. This shouldn't lessen discussions about the depression, substance abuse, and suicide that men in these jobs endure, but instead highlight the tenuous strengths and inevitable weakness of humans pushed to their breaking points. For some, though, it is a lifestyle. For the lucky ones, they make it out alive in as little time as possible—which is still long enough to have lasting negative effects on their lives.

A deeply moving memoir about women working in a male-dominated field, I give Ducks 5.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin W.

The Nolan Variations: The Movies, Mysteries, and Marvels of Christopher Nolan

The Nolan Variations
Title of Book
Shone, Tom
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Anyone who has met me knows I am a huge fan of Christopher Nolan's movies. His ability to provide a psychological, mind-bending narrative has kept me engaged for decades. It only makes sense that I would then read the pseudo-biography / interview, The Nolan Variations. Tom Shone's writing style feels intimate and personable in a way that made me feel closer to Christopher Nolan after reading this book. Whether or not you like his films, The Nolan Variations is important to get into the headspace of this acclaimed director.

The Nolan Variations dives into each one of Nolan's films, starting with Following (1998) and ending with Tenet (2020). That it provides hints of his Oscar-winning next film, Oppenheimer (2023) is really quite prescient. Unfortunately, this is also the one weakness of such a book. While it covers everything up to Nolan's peak, unless there's a "Volume 2" of this book, there will always be key elements of his filmography missing. Sure, it's interesting to see how he got here, but what happens next? Where does he go from here?

The casual way in which Shone reveals these deep insights into Nolan's mind is truly the best part of The Nolan Variations. I learned so much about Nolan's thought process, and a deeper understanding of each one of his films. That there's still some ambiguity in the endings of his movies even after reading this book just goes to show how talented Nolan is at crafting true head-scratching cinema. If you want the most thorough, behind-the-scenes look into 11 of the best movies to come out of the last three decades, then this is the book for you.

A relatable look into the mind of this generation's best director, I give The Nolan Variations 4.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin W.

A Man of Letters

A Man of Letters
Title of Book
Sowell, Thomas
4 stars = Really Good

Thomas Sowell, one of the most prominent American economists, opens readers to a whole new side of his life through the letters he wrote to people throughout the 1960-2000s.
The book is comprised of letters which were written by him through the rise of the civil rights movement, to the debate on the effects of minimum wage.
The candid notes in this book reveal the thoughts and beliefs of a controversial but compelling figure in American economics and politics. It was inspiring to watch American history unfold through the eyes of a distinguished American leader. A Man of Letters inspires readers to spark change and never forget America's founding principles.

Reviewer's Name
Zoe J.

Book Review: The Boys in the Boat

Title of Book
Brown, Daniel James
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

If you love books about the true American spirit, you must read Daniel James Brown's narrative-nonfiction book The Boys in the Boat. The book follows the life of Joe Rantz who was abandoned by his family during The Great Depression. It follows his journey as a teen going to the University of Washington and becoming a member of the 1936 Olympic rowing crew that won the gold medal for America. They were boys from working-class backgrounds who beat the odds and beat the very elite team of Adolf Hitler. The book is immersed in intriguing details of Joe’s life. This can be attributed to the fact that Brown was able to interview Joe in his frail, elderly years. He spent many hours listening to Joe’s daughter tell stories of her father’s experiences. Brown was also able to acquire diaries and photos from the boys on the rowing crew. Joe Rantz was very hard-working and optimistic. My favorite quote showing his optimism was: “The only time you don't find a four-leaf clover is when you stop looking for one.” The book is an irresistible account of teamwork, overcoming pain, trusting in others, endurance, and driving spirit. I chose this book because I like other books that this Author made. What I enjoyed about this book the most is how inspirational it is to the readers. It shows you can accomplish what you set out to do if you work hard at it. There isn’t a part of the book I enjoyed the least. I can relate to Joe Rantz because I work hard to achieve my goals just like he did. This is a good book and I recommend a readthrough.

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Book Review: The Man Who Went to the Far Side of the Moon

Schyffert, Bea Uusma
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

“The Man Who Went to the Far Side of the Moon” is one of the most interesting books ever written! Bea Uusma Schyffert’s unique scrapbook style presents the story of Michael Collins, the Apollo 11 astronaut who faithfully piloted the spacecraft as his two teammates became the first men on the moon. Perfectly capturing every thought and detail through pictures, infographics, and prose, “The Man Who Went to the Far Side of the Moon” pulls the reader into the story and lets them see it through Collins’ eyes. It even includes notes written by Collins himself. This is by far the best account of the forgotten hero in the history of astronomy.

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The Road to Little Dribbling

The Road to Little Dribbling
Bryson, Bill
2 stars = Meh

keep forgetting that Bill Bryson’s books are hit-or-miss for me. I’ll read one and think it’s great, then proceed to another and find myself disappointed. Perhaps I’ve already read the good books from his bibliography and now all I’m left with are the ones that aren’t. I’ll usually forget that I’ve been disappointed after a few months or years of not reading Bryson, which inevitably leads me to remembering his good books and giving it another shot. The Road to Little Dribbling is another book I’d put on the “bad” pile.

While I never read the book that preceded this one, I didn’t need any context to determine The Road to Little Dribbling’s major flaw. As a Millennial, I am often annoyed by Boomer-age people who bemoan that things “used to be better.” They’ll moan about prices being lower, quality being better, and everyone living happily together in blissful togetherness. Those sentiments are the entire basis of this book. Maybe it’s supposed to be read as humor, but most of this book felt like the spiteful mutterings of a grumpy old man.

The issue with memoirs is that the main character is usually the author. In this book, the main character is not likable by any means. He talks down to everyone and paints them as idiots. The few slightly amusing bits were only when he proved to be the fool in a scenario that had gotten him hot and bothered. Listening to this audiobook in the car, it felt like I was driving around with someone who I would not have given a ride to in the first place. None of the positives of his journey stuck out to me because every other commentary provided was full of sour gripes.

A memoir full of whiny complaints about how the past was better, I give The Road to Little Dribbling 2.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name
Benjamin W.

Book Review: The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

Rae, Issa
4 stars = Really Good

This book follows Issa Rae, a half-Senegalese actress and producer (she was the president in Barbie and also stars in Insecure!). The book follows Issa as she tries to find herself throughout her life because she has always felt awkward and how she has come to terms with herself. This book is extremely funny. While most of the book has humorous undertones, there are sections that are quite serious. Issa Rae writes about her life in an upwardly mobile immigrant family & her painful attempts to be cool. You don't have to be awkward or black to enjoy this book.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: Black Klansman

Title of Book
Stallworth, Ron
3 stars = Pretty Good

Who knew history could be so ironic? It’s 1978, and the Ku Klux Klan is on the rise in the community of Colorado Springs. Ron Stallsworth, the first African-American detective in the Colorado Springs Police Department, launches an undercover investigation with the mission to thwart the Ku Klux Klan’s infiltration into Colorado Springs. Ron Stallsworth can only communicate via the telephone, so he recruits the “white” Ron Stallsworth, Chuck, to conduct all face-to-face meetings. This creates the perfect breeding ground for irony, insanity, and idiocy.

Out of the pure insanity of the circumstances and the idiocy of the Colorado Ku Klux Klan, this book had me uncontrollably laughing. While the writing style leaves much to be desired, the narrative more than bridges the gap. The BlackKlansmen is a wonderful memoir about standing up to terrorism and hate.

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