
Book Review: We All Fall Down

Richards, Natalie D
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Romance, thriller, and horror all wrapped into one. Natalie D Richards does it once a great with a book you won't be able to put down until the final page. When two best friends in love have a falling out over a fight at a party it seems nothing could bring them together again. Except for the bridge that is. Strange things keep bringing them back to the place of the party and back to each other. Lock on bridges and hearts hold mystery but the views of both parties is being clouded by their own mental struggles. This is a very emotional book and capitating one that I can't wait to read again. Readers enjoy and beware of the bridge.

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Book Review: Family of Liars

Lockhart, .E
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Back to the beautiful family of Sinclairs, still liars. Family of Liars, the prequel to We Were Liars, takes readers back to the private island of the Sinclairs. What really happened in that tragedy two years ago? Or was it even one tragedy at all? This E Lockhart book will leave you captivated once again. The book may even cause you to return to E. Lochart's first Liars book to realign all the pieces of the mystery. Will the dots be connected or will more mystery unravel?
11th grade

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Book Review: We Were Liars

Lockhart, E.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

We Were Liars is a young adult mystery by E Lockhart that will grab your attention from the first page. The story describes a beautiful, rich, and perfect (as seen from the outside), family, the Sinclairs. But the Sinclairs have things to hide. When Cadence Sinclair shows up with her cousins on the Sinclair's private island they expect a summer of fun. However, a tragedy of two years ago comes back to haunt and Cadence's migraine pills aren't helping her keep the facts of the incident straight. This story leaves you wondering as new mystery is continuously added. With still more mystery at the end, the book will make you question even more than just the Sinclairs.
11th grade

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Book Review: A Very Large Expanse of Sea

Mafi, Tahereh
1 star = Yuck!

This book suffered from a lot of major flaws, ranging from one-dimensional characters to confusing (and silly at times) plotlines. Mafi not only leans into harmful stereotypes, but she further exaggerates them and emphasizes them as the norm. The relationships between chatacters are largely shallow, their development rushed, and their personalities bland. I remember next to nothing about these unremarkable characters. This book is an infuriatingly simple tale of stereotypical people following a messy and illogical story, and I advise readers to avoid it whenever possible. The greatest strength of this book is its relatively short reading time.

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Book Review: We Are Okay

LaCour, Nina
4 stars = Really Good

We Are Okay is a beautifully written novel about depression and trauma from the perspective of Marin, a girl who ran off to college shortly after her grandfather's death. It's also about Mabel, her childhood best friend, and the evolution of their relationship. The book explores these themes through artful language, flawless dialogue, and many small acts of service; where it falls short, however, is the plot itself. I adore the book, but the big reveal of the grandfather's secret falls painfully flat. What should have been the climax of the novel, as foreshadowed from the very first page, is reduced to a few vague sentences alluding to greater truths. Marin claims to have "never known her grandfather," yet as a reader, I don't understand why she feels that way. Due to its design, the novel simply demands for a clearer climax without messy time-jumps. I was disappointed that a near-perfect book couldn't pack a punch with its climax, but the well-written characters and relationships make it worth the read anyway.

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Book Review: Turtles All the Way Down

Green, John
4 stars = Really Good

I absolutely love John Green and The Fault In Our Stars, so what inspired me to read Turtles All The Way Down, was just wanting to read all of his books. It was so worth it. I really had no idea what to expect when I opened up the book. Aza is sweet, but also struggles with alot, and it was sad, but cool to see the world from her perspective with her anxieties. The plot about Aza and Daisy investigating Russell Pickett's disappearance was entrancing. I was in disbelief when I found out what Pickett left his inheritance to, instead of his sons. The romance between Aza and Davis is bittersweet, and navigates the rocky road of distrust, and understanding. I am so excited that this book is going to be made into a movie, but it's story in paper form will always be special to me.

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Book Review: Every Last Word

Stone, Tamara Ireland
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book left me stunned. It has a plot twist that no one could see coming. I was amazed by the character development of Sam, and by how her relationship with her new friend Caroline turned out. Learning about Sam's pure obsessional OCD was really cool and eye opening to what could be going on in someone's mind without us ever knowing. Sam was in many ways also very relatable, and I loved her. She shows the audience that they are not alone in wanting to find a place where the fit in, or find friends they feel safe around. Every Last Word also has a sweet hint of romance, but it is great because it doesn't overpower the main story of Sam's struggle with her OCD and how she found healing in poet's corner.
Reviewers Grade: 11

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Book Review: Every Soul a Star

Mass, Wendy
3 stars = Pretty Good

“Every Soul has a Star” by Wendy Mass is a lighthearted novel about three main characters that must learn to adapt to new surroundings. 13-year-old Ally’s parents have owned Moon Shadow campground all her life. She grew up there with her little brother Kenny. Ally’s grandfather was always fascinated by stars and comets, when he passed Ally inherited his meteorite chunk along with his love for space. Bree on the other hand is another 13-year-old girl, however, she has a love for shopping and style. She has been nothing but excited to go to high school during the fall and climb the social ladder within her school. She wants nothing but to be popular when her life flips upside down and her parents (scientists) purchase Moon Shadow campground. Jack, a boy who has always stood out by being overweight and an avid gamer who feels most comfortable alone, must attend summer school because he failed science in his previous year. He is offered the chance to attend Moon Shadow campground for a week to study an eclipse as a substitute. When Ally and Bree meet up their plan falls into action, they must convince their parents to cancel their plans. When they meet Jack as well, they must all work together to fulfill the mission Jack’s teacher sent him on.

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Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars

Green, John
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I love this book! The fault in our stars is a book that really tugs at the reader’s heart strings. The book starts off with a 16 year old named Hazel Grace meets a cancer survivor, Augustus Waters. Hazel and Augustus begin to fall in love, but they don’t want to share their feelings with one another. Throughout the novel, Hazel and Augustus share many similarities (an example being their favorite book and favorite author). This romance story is on another level. It’s heartbreaking and astonishing at the same time. Every time I turned the page, I did not want the story to end. The entire story is so well composed and the writing is absolutely breathtaking. John Green did such and amazing job writing this beautiful tale, you really feel like you’re in the story. The challenges and hardships Hazel and Augustus face lead them to new and better horizons. The Fault in Our Stars is an incredible romance novel that everyone should read one day. From the storyline to the imagery, this story is the best romance novel in my book.

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Book Review: Tiny Pretty Things

Charaipotra, Sona and Clayton, Dhonielle
4 stars = Really Good

Tiny Pretty Things surrounds an exclusive ballet school in Manhattan, where three prima ballerinas struggle for the top. There's Bette, whos been the star of the studio ever since one of her competitors had a mysterious fall. There's June, a half-Korean dancer that struggles to keep her weight down and head high as her mother threatens to pull her out of the studio. And finally, there's Gigi, a newcomer and the only black dancer in her level. When Gigi lands the star role, the jealousies and insecurities of these girls will pull them deeper and deeper into corruption and rage, until one of them crosses a line they can't return from.
The writing of this book is really what propels it to the top. I have never had that much passion or interest for ballet, but this book seems to seep love for it. The description of dancing from many of the girls make it seem as though they are dancing in your room. You can almost feel the lightness of the steps, the satisfaction in perfect movements. The prose makes you feel as if you are flying alongside the dancers. However, it isn't a blind adoration, which only makes the book more interesting. The girls are told to keep their weight up but pressured by their instructor to stay as low as possible. They are sexualized by the people around them and by themselves in attempts to be the perfectly beautiful ballerina. There are racial stigmas, as the book describes how ballet adores the completely white stage, "ballet blanc", which includes the dancers themselves. The Asian girls are often shoved into roles that are "Oriental," and Gigi worries about how she stands out on the stage. In short, the story shows all the beauty of ballet, while acknowledging the harmful obsession with beauty and whiteness that has plagued ballet for centuries. The characters of the book are also fantastic. I love how so many of them are deeply unlikeable, but we get to see the reasons that they fight so hard for ballet. No one is completely perfect. Absolutely no one is blameless. Their actions impact each other in so many different directions, and the levels of miscommunication and tragedy make the drama nearly Shakespearean. In particular, I love the attention given to June, and how she was allowed to devolve despite sympathetic beginnings. Over and over the reader believes that she is going to be redeemed, but she just gets worst, and it tears you apart. I also enjoyed how the author went in-depth to the imposter syndrome that June experiences as a mixed Asian, which is very accurate.
However, this book does have a lot of problems. For one, the girls in this book are sixteen. That doesn't come through at all. I could see how the book is trying to show how ballet's sexualization and pressure causes these girls to mature before their time, but its just really weird reading about kids that are younger than me going clubbing and sleeping around and trying to destroy each other via psychological warfare. Again, this might be intentional, but it makes these girls seem like even worse people. I could see adults in careers doing this, but I don't thing juniors in high school would go this insane over one role. Furthermore, while the main three get excellent backstory and reflection, a lot of the other kids do not. One girls whole motivation for hating and horrifically bullying another girl is that the bully tried to kiss the girl once and now the bully is worried that the other girl will out her. This is stupid for a lot of reasons, mostly because I don't know why someone would antagonize someone that has potential black mail on them. A lot of the margin characters in this book are pretty underdeveloped and have bad motivations for doing pretty horrible things, which makes them look pretty stupid at best and plain cruel at worst. Finally, I wish Gigi had been a bit of a worse person. It would've rounded out the three girls as all being flawed people, and it would've given catharsis for a lot of the horrible things Gigi endures because of the other girls. Instead, she doesn't do anything wrong, and I spend the entire book being so mad at what was happening to her to the point where I lost a lot of sympathy for the other girls and their problems. I think it would've been amazing if Gigi had been allowed to become more corrupted by all the jealousy and cruelties around her, and had to fight her way back to the good person that she's always been. Instead, she barely changes besides becoming more and more beaten down by the things that are done to her, which gets frustrating.
All in all, this was a very well written book with a tight plot and great characters. It just had problems with the side characters and some overwrought drama. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in ballet, revenge, tragedy, and some excellent twists!
Reviewer Grade: 12

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