Chapter Books

Book Review: Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey

Roland, Timothy
4 stars = Really Good

Clyde is always in motion and tries to listen, but doesn’t always succeed. When he eats a banana that’s been blasted by a special ray, he feels even more like being in motion – because he keeps turning into a monkey! This is a fun, humorous book for a beginning reader ready to move into chapter books.

Reviewer's Name
Kristin Brown

Book Review: Save Me a Seat

Weeks, Sarah
4 stars = Really Good

Even though Save Me A Seat is a Children's book, I ABSOLUTELY loved it. A really wonderful story told by Joe and Ravi. Both boys are "different". Joe has a sensitivity to noise (auditory processing disorder), while Ravi is the new kid in school as his family has moved from India. Both Joe and Ravi have challenges in the classroom, with their classmates, and even at home. But they both work at facing their challenges and in the end become friends. A really great story and read, no matter what age you are!

Reviewer's Name
Melissa Mitchell

Book Review: Forest of Secrets

Hunter, Erin
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book is amazing because I love cats and it makes cats adventurous and brave. There are big "wows" when you don't expect them - sometimes they are sad and sometimes they are happy, and sometimes they are just good. This is 3rd book in the Warriors series called The Prophecies Begin. Fireheart is the star of the story.

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Book Review: Ivy and Bean

Barrows, Annie
4 stars = Really Good

The moment the best friends saw each other Bean and Ivy knew they would never be friends but when Ivy finally came to Bean's house, they become friends. I liked this book because it teaches us how to become friends.

Reviewer's Name
Sourya K.

Book Review: Keeper of the Lost Cities

Messenger, Shannon
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Great if you are the type that likes Fantasy. It is an easy book to get wrapped into and hard to pull away from. I highly recommend this book. It has an interesting plot that keeps you hanging and want to keep reading. Get the next books in the series too because this book makes you want to read more.

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: A Snicker of Magic

Lloyd, Natalie
4 stars = Really Good

A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd is about a young girl named Felicity Pickle, who sees and collects words. These words are words that people are thinking about or what they want. These words can even dance, glow, or wiggle around. She has traveled to many places in the world and has seen many words except for one, home. But when the Pickled Jalapeño, the family's van, drives into Midnight Gulch, Felicity believes that everything is about to change. She has found a place to make a friend and even make some good memories. This happens to be, because Midnight Gulch used to have magic! This is where people shared their magical talents, until a curse stole that away from them. From what all of the people believe, Felicity can tell there is still a snicker of magic left and all she has to do is find the right words for the magic to return to Midnight Gulch.

This is a great book full of adventure, friendship, and well magic. I chose this book because the cover caught my eye and it seemed interesting. My favorite thing about this book is how the author explained parts and how she used her words. My least favorite thing was how there really was no big change in the characters, but this was still a great book. I highly recommend this book for people especially early teens.

Therefore, I gave this book a 4.0 out of 5 stars!

Reviewer's Name

Book Review: Raymie Nightingale

DiCamillo, Kate
4 stars = Really Good

The best way I can describe Raymie Nightingale is to say that it is a book you can fall into. Kate DiCamillo is a master of characters and story, and Raymie Nightengale is no exception. This author weaves magic through words. We enter Raymie’s life mid-stream; she is ten years old and floundering a little. Through some new, strong friendships, she discovers strength in numbers – and in herself. The subject matter might be a bit much for some. Raymie’s dad has “run off” with a dental hygienist. But DiCamillo is never heavy-handed with the details and navigates the discomfort with aplomb.

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