At first I didn’t want to read The Outsiders because at the time I didn’t like reading. But my language arts teacher was going to test us on it after winter break so I read it. When I read it I fell in love with the characters and felt like i belonged in the story. The book is about a town divided by wealth and status. The wealthy kids are called soc’s and the less fortunate kids are called greasers. The book tells the story of a greaser boy named Ponyboy Curtis who narrates the story. Ponyboy is the main character and he tells us about him and his gangs home lives and how they started as 7 friends and ended as 5 friends. Ponyboy lives with his two older brothers Sodapop and Darry. Ponyboy lives with his brothers because his parents died in an auto wreck 8 months before the story begins. As a result of their parents not being with them, Darry works two jobs to provide for his brothers, and Sodapop is a high school dropout who works full time at the DX gas station. The book has taught me a lot of good life lessons and I’m glad I read it. It’s my favorite book and because I read it I bought some of S.E Hintons other books.