Adult Book Reviews

Patterson, James
4 stars = Really Good

I've noticed lately that James Patterson has been collaborating with other authors. I hesitated at first, but was I in for a wonderful surprise. A story based around Spring Break, bad choices and clever ways to outwit your deadly past, I was hooked. I read this book in two days - I literally could not put it down. Is this a trend now with James Patterson? I enjoy him on his own, but applaud his venture into exploring new possibilities with other authors. Enjoy!!!

Reviewer's Name: Rebecca H.
Tessaro, Kathleen
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book I happened upon from a review in a Woman's magazine. The title intrigued me as well as the plot of a woman who inherits money from an unknown benefactor. I would be proud to own this book so I could highlight many of the clever quotes within. I had to backtrack a little like I did with the DaVinci Code, but once you are hooked - you'll be glad to read and re-read this clever, witty and woman-inspiring story!!! Enjoy!

Reviewer's Name: Rebecca H.
Pessl, Marisha
4 stars = Really Good

This is the strangest book I have ever read. I usually do a summary, but the summary for this would be long and confusing. I am still thinking it over. It took me awhile to figure out that I really liked it. Special Topics in Calamity Physics is one of those books that you either love or hate. Either you finished it or at some point put it down and gave up on it. If you like novels written in the Nabokovian style - characterized by a lush descriptive style and intricate wordplay - then Special Topics in Calamity Physics is the book for you! Also, you have to like open ended/ambiguous endings. This book will definitely challenge you and give you something to think about!

Reviewer's Name: Melissa
Gonzales, Laurence
2 stars = Meh

I only read half of this book. The writing style was too jumpy/jumbled for me. I felt that Laurence Gonzales was repeating the same things over and over. I did like the survival (or in some cases non-survival stories) and wished there had been more of those with the follow-up to the incident instead of so much description of the brain functions of survival. This was just an okay book for me.

Reviewer's Name: Melissa
Galloway, Steven
4 stars = Really Good

This was a fast read. I enjoyed it, but I can't say that I enjoyed it. Meaning it was hard to read a novel that brought to life what a war can do to people and how they have to live. I liked all of the characters, but I liked Kenan and Dragen the best. They were just two men trying to survive and not be shot by snipers as they tried to get water and bread. I was engrossed when their stories were told. Overall a good book. Highly recommended.

Reviewer's Name: Melissa
Wall, Carolyn
4 stars = Really Good

I really liked this book. At times it was hard to put down. In the beginning I wasn't sure where the story was going and knew a big secret would be revealed. I totally guessed wrong as to what the secret was, but that was okay. This is a great book for a book group. There is lots to discuss! I highly recommend it!

Reviewer's Name: Melissa
King, Stephen
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I've never really been a Stephen King fan. I liked Night Shift, but read it a long time ago. However, I decided to give him a try again and go old school. WooHoo!! This was a superbly crafted work of fiction. The premise and plot development was textbook and the narrative was engaging. I flew through this book, feeling for Carrie the whole way. Perhaps the post prom narrative could have delved farther into Carrie's mind, but that's my only suggestion. Perfect horror novel. I'm reading The Shining next.

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Gaiman, Neil and Pratchett, Terry
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Unexpectedly charming and funny with just a dose of mind bending. The story leads up to the end of the world, starting with the birth of the Antichrist. An angel and a demon who have resided on Earth since the beginning of time aren't quite ready for everything to end. With many quirky characters, a plot that twists and turns and in the end, connects very well, it's definitely worth a read. The wisdom that comes from the 11 year old Adam Young (aka The Antichrist, the Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of This World, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan and Lord of Darkness) is my favorite part of the entire book.

Reviewer's Name: Cassie
Bach, Richard
3 stars = Pretty Good

Back in my younger days I may have given this book 4 or 5 stars. Now I'm older and know better. A lot of the wise and enlightened sayings were really just a bunch of hooey. But I did get two things out of it. The first was the story in the beginning about the creature in the river letting go of the bottom and rising up to be carried along by the current. The second was the comparison of death with jumping into a cold, deep lake. It is scary because you don't know what's down there along with the initial shock of the cold water. But once you're in it's okay, even refreshing.

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Glanville, Brandi
3 stars = Pretty Good

Yes. I read this. I know. But, it didn't suck. It was actually pretty entertaining and the parts about her having to watch a new mother-figure enter her children's lives was downright heart-wrenching. Not bad at all.

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Duhigg, Charles
3 stars = Pretty Good

I finished this book a couple of weeks ago. It was interesting, but I can't remember too much about it now, which is why it's only getting 3 stars. I do remember the cue -> action -> reward loop that makes up habit and am half-heartedly applying it to my nail-biting habit. Just knowledge of the cues has already helped me be aware that I'm biting or am about to bite my nails. We'll see what happens. I also plan to implement the habit loop in Zoe's violin practices.

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Galloway, Steven
4 stars = Really Good

A compelling narative through the eyes of the individuals effected by the war. Each had a deeply emotional pull on how we live and deal with such trauma.

I recommend this as an eye opener for anyone seeking the perspective of others who've had to endure hardships in their lives.

Reviewer's Name: Deborah
Shah, Saira
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I thought this would be a light(ish) book about a couple's jaunt to France with a crumbling home and the challenge of a baby with a disability, somewhat similar to the film Under the Tuscan Sun. Ummm, wrong. This was heartrending, difficult, but beautiful book. The couple are overwhelmed, angry, irrational, awful toward each other, and altogether too flawed to fully like, but the whole time I was wondering what I would do/how I would feel in their situation. There are many metaphors in the book, but what I came away with was that life doesn't always turn out the way you want it to, but it becomes what you make of it, which sometimes turns out even better than imagined.

Reviewer's Name: Krista
Harbison, Elizabeth
3 stars = Pretty Good

3 1/2 stars. As an Audrey Hepburn buff, I saw this as a modern retelling of Sabrina (well, more modern than the Julia Ormond version). With a couple of references to Ms. Hepburn in the book, this could have been intentional. I enjoyed reading about the work Quinn did with brides on finding their perfect wedding dress, even if it was unconventional. I also loved the daily challenges put forth by Quinn's friend Glenn - those were probably the best, and funniest, parts of the book! The main characters just fell a little flat for me.

Reviewer's Name: Krista
Moyes, Jojo
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Loved this book! The dual storylines worked well together - when things were getting so bleak in Sophie's time, we switch over to Liv's fight for the painting. I love books and stories about the history of objects, such as The Girl in Hyacinth Blue or The Red Violin. Both stories were heartbreaking and real - Sophie's willingness to do anything to reconnect with her husband, and Liv's difficulty letting her husband go after death were engrossing, I didn't want to put the book down!

Reviewer's Name: Krista
Lancaster, Jen
2 stars = Meh

Borderline 1 star. Jen Lancaster really annoys me. It could be because she writes super clever banter between herself and everyone else. Puhleeze. It's like she has a big sign on her back that says, 'Gee, aren't I witty? Don't you wish you were friends with me?'. Not really. Oh God, and the footnotes! Lame way to try to be clever. She just tries too hard. But I did finish it, but no more Jen Lancaster for me.

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Harris, Sam
3 stars = Pretty Good

For a small book, it was definitely intense. Sam Harris is a great American intellectual and advocate for reason. In "Free Will", he really brings up an issue that really makes you reconsider everything you ever thought about what drives us as human beings. It leaves you to chew on what you just read and think more about why we do what we do. He inserts in some of his sense of humor too, which helps break up the pace. I only wish he could've expanded a little bit more, and gave more insight into opposing viewpoints.

Reviewer's Name: Cassie
Wall, Carolyn
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book was incredible. The voice of the protagonist was so engaging I was sucked right in and had a hard time putting it down. There were some instances in the book that were so intense I kept thinking to myself, 'Oh God, make it stop!', but in a good way. It left me with some questions about Ida's motivations and the extent of what she knew about the secret. Beautiful and hauntingly written, I can't recommend this book enough!

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Crichton, Michael
1 star = Yuck!

Someone used Crichton's name to get this book published. It is too technical and slow to take off. Crichton knew how to mix tech with exciting, fast-paced storytelling. I am so disappointed.
I knew it was too good to be true; a new Crichton novel after his death.

Moderator's Note: From the Michael Crichton official website (, Disclosure was published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1993 prior to the author’s death in 2008.

Reviewer's Name: Gee
Galbraith, Robert
4 stars = Really Good

Galbraith (er, I mean, Rowling) constructs a very interesting protagonist, Private Detective Cormoran Strike, a British veteran who lost part of his left leg in Afghanistan. The book is a bit slow at times, but still incredibly captivating as you follow the investigation of a prominent model's apparent suicide. It's a great whodunnit for anyone, even those who aren't into murder mysteries. This was a straight trough read for me, and I only paused while I cooked dinner. I dearly hope to read more adventures of Cormoran Strike!

Reviewer's Name: Casey