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Beau Buren

My Library Story: Beau Buren

Date Published: November 14, 2018

Beau Buren, a Career Online High School graduate hopes his new diploma will help him excel at a higher level in his career. Buren, a Colorado Springs native, finished the program in less than eight months. He set aside time after almost every full day of work and completed nearly six hours of coursework per day on the weekends.

“I feel good about finishing,” Buren said. “I’m really proud of how hard I worked at this.”

Buren has his sights set on college now that he has received his diploma. Buren is hoping to bask in the glow of his achievement until the end of the year, then reassess his goals and consider going back to school for a business management degree.

“The library was definitely there to help me,” Buren said. “Lacey (PPLD Instructional Designer) was really great. I really appreciated the tuition help, too, because otherwise, I may not have been able to do the program at all.”

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  • Colorado Gives Day – Click on the link to schedule your gift for Colorado Gives Day, Tuesday, December 4.

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