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Month of Military Child

Month of the Military Child 2024

Date Published: April 04, 2024

Transition can be hard for our military families and their children. Moving multiple times for military service can be challenging for the children of military families, who often face the disruption of starting over at a new school and with new friends multiple times. This April, Pikes Peak Library District honors the Military Children in our community by celebrating their unique experiences.



  • Military & Veterans Resource Guide  
    PPLD provides military, veterans, and their families with access to free resources such as books, audiobooks, eBooks, and online databases, as well as events, workshops, and classes tailored to their unique needs and interests.

Website Links

  • Sesame Street For Military Families 
    Sesame Street for Military Families is a free, bilingual (English and Spanish) website where families can find information and multimedia resources on the topics of military deployments, multiple deployments, homecomings, injuries, grief, and self-expression.
  • Babies on the Homefront 
    Babies on the Homefront provides military and veteran parents ideas for enhancing everyday moments with their baby or toddler.
  • Veteran Training – VA Resources 
    The VA's parenting program provides resources and support for military and veteran parents, including information on child development, parenting skills, and managing the challenges of military life.
  • MCEC – Military Child Education Coalition 
    MCEC supports all military-connected children by educating, advocating, and collaborating to resolve education challenges associated with the military lifestyle.
  • U.S. Department of Defense
    While military members serve around the world, we often forget the challenges faced by their children. Each year, the Department of Defense (DoD) joins national, state, and local government, schools, military serving organizations, companies, and private citizens in celebrating military children and the sacrifices they make.
  • Military OneSource
    The Month of the Military Child recognizes the unique challenges children in military families face —such as long separations and frequent moves — and honors their service to the military community. Use these free resources to support your children, youth, and teens and power up your parenting.