Current Location
Pueblo, CO
Scholar and Writer
Long time resident of Colorado Springs until 2018. Graduate William J. Palmer High School. Numerous instructor positions teaching English Rhetoric and Composition at CU-Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak Community College, and CSU-Pueblo. Have taught British Literature 18th- to 20th-century, American literatures including Latino/Latina, Chicano/Chicana, Native American, and African American, and Introduction to Humanities.
Frank Waters Foundation, writing/research residency, Arroyo Seco, New Mexico, August 2004.
Helene Wurlitzer Foundation writing/research residency, Taos, New Mexico, July-August 2003.
Ph.D., “Comparative Literature,” Department of Comparative Studies, State University of New York at Stony Brook; full residency. Dissertation: “The Liberty-Genocide Paradox: American Indians in European and American Travel Writing, 1795-1991.” Degree awarded: 1996. -- M.A., “The Sociology of Literature,” Department of Literature, University of Essex, Colchester, England; full residency. Thesis: “The Concrete Human Subject,” on Georg Lukács’s concept of world history and heroism in American novels. Degree awarded: 1991. -- B.A., “English,” The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; full residency. Includes Junior Year Abroad at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England. Degree awarded: 1988.
Published Works
-The Kingsleys in 1870's Colorado: A Very British Desire for Adventure, Investm…
-Transcriptions of the correspondence to Queen (Mellen) Palmer from novelist He…
-“Beyond Purity and Pollution: D.H. Lawrence on the Edge of Taos.” Studies in T…
-“Her ‘Ambiguous Satisfaction’: Simone de Beauvoir in the Southwest.” Journal …
-“Tocqueville and American Indian Legal Studies: The Paradox of Liberty and Des…
-“The Earl of Dunraven in Yellowstone National Park in the late summer 1874.” A…
-“The Railway Engineers and the Reverend Kingsley’s Daughter: Rose Kingsley in …
The Rocky Mountain chapter of the Modern Language Association (meets in various locations from Albuquerque, NM, to Boulder, Colorado).
Speaker Topics
The Reverend Charles Kingsley (1819-1875), Canon of Westminster Abbey, visited Colorado Springs in the summer of 1874 with his daughter, Rose Georgina Kingsley. He was a Broad Church Anglican who promoted medical science, trade's unions, and individual improvement. He knew Palmer's English business partner, William A. Bell, when Bell was a student, and Kingsley gave history lectures at Cambridge University (1860 to 1869).
Rose Kingsley was the first to write about the infant town, Colorado Springs, in her book "South by West" (1874).
William A. Bell and William Henry Blackmore were General Palmer's English financial advisors. Bell was a graduate of Trinity Hall, Cambridge University; in contrast, Blackmore was the talented son of a highly successful tradesman from Salisbury, England.