Sopp, Minister Raymond D.
Current Location
Colorado Springs, CO
Minister | Watchman

I have been a born-again Christian for more than thirty years. I am not affiliated with any organization, nor a denomination. I, like Paul in Philippians 3:7-8, "Counted all things lost in order that I may gain Christ." The past thirty plus years were used to know God and NOT for the study of religion. I truly counted all things as rubbish to gain the knowledge of Christ. My passion was single in focus; I wanted to know Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior, and the God (Father) who sent Him. This has given me a love for all who love God and the truth, regardless of their affiliation. Therefore, I endeavor to minister to anyone who is willing to listen.

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Non-Profit: Raymond D. Sopp Internationl Ministries -- A.K.A: Sopp Ministries
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