Sninchak, Bev
Bev Walton-Porter
Birth Year (-Died Year)
Birth City
Birth State
Current Location
Colorado Springs, CO
Professional Author and Editor

An honor graduate of Widefield High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Bev Sninchak first moved to the Pikes Peak region in 1979 when her stepfather was stationed at Ft. Carson. She majored in Applied Communication and minored in Philosophy at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Previously, she attended Phillips University in Enid, Oklahoma, where she majored in Mass Communications and Psychology. Bev has been a professional freelance writer, author, and copy editor since May 1997. In 2013, she added professional blogger to her creative toolbox. To date, her work has been published hundreds of times in print and online. She writes and edits from her home office in the Knob Hill area of Colorado Springs. Writing under the pen names of Bev Walton~Porter and Star Ferris, she has authored five books, including Sun Signs for Writers (published by Writer's Digest Books), Secrets of the Professional Freelancer (Triple Crow Publishing), Mending Fences (Whiskey Creek Press), Hidden Fire (Whiskey Creek Press), and Shadows of the Soul (Triple Crow Publishing). Bev also co-authored The Complete Writer: A Guide To Tapping Your Full Potential, published by Red Engine Press. She was editor and publisher of the award-winning e-zine for writers, Scribe & Quill, for over 15 years. On Friday, April 13, 2013, she launched )0(Triple Crow Publishing)0(, a small, exclusive eBook publisher based in the Springs. For more details, visit her website at

1995 Finalist, Contemporary Division, Fiction from the Heatland contest (sponsored by Mid-America Romance Authors)
Numerous awards from the Enid, OK Writer's Club
1st place poetry award from the Hennessey, OK Word Weavers
Graduated from Widefield High School in Colorado Springs; attended Phillips University in Enid, OK majoring in Mass Communications and
Psychology; transferred to the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, majoring in Applied Communications and minoring in Philosophy. Currently taking online courses with an emphasis on Social Psychology.
Local Authors Genres
Published Works
Shadows of the Soul (as Bev Walton-Porter)(Triple Crow Publishing, 2011)
Secrets of the Professional Freelancer (as Bev Walton-Porter)(Triple Crow Publi…
The Complete Writer: A Guide to Tapping Your Full Potential (co-authored as Bev…
Mending Fences (as Star Ferris)(Whiskey Creek Press, 2013)
Hidden Fire (as Star Ferris)(Whiskey Creek Press, 2013)
Pikes Peak Writers - The Author's Guild - Editorial Freelance Association (EFA)
Speaker Availability
Speaker Topics
Researching and writing about the paranormal, professional freelancing, and manuscript editing.