Poet Joseph Murphy
Current Location
Colorado Springs, CO

Joseph Murphy is a retired public relations executive who has lived in the Pikes Peak region for a number of years. During his 28-year career in public relations, he focused on media relations, special event management and editing and writing. His poetry has appeared in a wide range of online and print journals. He has also published six collection of poems. Murphy is a member of the Colorado Authors’ League and for eight years (2010-2018) was poetry editor for an online literary publication, Halfway Down the Stairs. He also a retired Commander, U.S. Navy, where he first started in public relations.

Numerous awards during his career in the Navy and in the Federal Service
Awared the Eisner Prize, U.C. Berkeley's highest award in the arts, for writing
High School: Tabor Academy, Marion, Mass.
BA: University of California, Berkeley.
MS: Golden Gate University, San Francisco, Calif.
Numerous professional courses through the Public Relations Society of America and other venues, such as the Maine Media Workshops.
Local Authors Genres
Colorado Authors' League - Denver Press Club - Pikes Peak Writers
Speaker Availability
Speaker Topics
Poetry - Media Relations Training - Editing and Writing