Computer Use and Internet Safety Policy

Pikes Peak Library District (“PPLD” or the “Library”) provides Internet access as a service to the community. The Internet contains a wide variety of material and opinions from various points of view. Not all sources provide information that is accurate, complete or current and some information may be considered offensive or inappropriate to users. Library users access the Internet at their own discretion and are solely responsible for any material they may retrieve. PPLD cannot be held responsible for the Internet’s content, the safety of its equipment, laptop configurations, security breaches, or harmful data files resulting from connection to the wireless network.

By accessing or using the Library’s computers or network, you signify that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the terms of this policy. The Library does not permit illegal activities conducted through any Library technology system. The Library will pursue appropriate legal action, including prosecution of suspects. Illegal activities, as defined by law, include and are not limited to accessing or trafficking in obscene content, child pornography, violations of copyright, and a variety of activities generally described as "criminal." In general, the Library expects customers will be both law-abiding and civil. As appropriate, the Library will monitor customer use of Internet resources to validate system security and policy compliance.

Internet Filters

PPLD complies with all state and federal laws mandating the use of technology protection measures (or “Internet filters”) in public libraries. It is the policy of PPLD to (a) prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, chat rooms or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and Colorado Library Law, C.R.S. 24-90-601, part 6. As required by CIPA, PPLD blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions of obscene materials, pornography, and/or any other material harmful to minors. Users should be aware that Internet filters are inherently imprecise and flawed and may not block information that some individuals may consider objectionable, offensive, inaccurate, or inappropriate. Additionally, the filters may limit access to websites that have legitimate research value. PPLD does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of its Internet filters, and users should not treat Internet filters as a substitute for individual judgment and/or parental involvement and oversight.

Technology protection measures may be disabled for some eligible users. Upon request, the Library will allow access to an unfiltered computer to (i) persons 18 or older (ii) who have a library card in good standing (iii) for bona fide research or other lawful purposes (iv) inside the Library in the designated adult areas.

Use of the Internet by Children and Teens

The Library acknowledges the rights and responsibilities of parents and caregivers to monitor their children’s access to library materials and resources, including those available through the Internet. Therefore, parents or caregivers are responsible for the information selected and/or accessed by their children while in the Library. The Library does not act in loco parentis (i.e. in the place or role of parent or caregiver). Parents are expected to accompany children on library visits to ensure the safety and well-being of their children. Individuals under 18 years of age who use the Internet unsupervised may be exposed to inappropriate information or images. Parents are encouraged to discuss the use of the Internet in relation to their values and boundaries with their children and to monitor/supervise their children’s use of the Internet.

PPLD may restrict use of computers based on age in areas designated for children and teens, dependent on size and layout of the library facility. Restrictions may be posted on these computers and be in effect during all hours of Library operation or may be imposed without advance notice. As such, parents and caregivers are encouraged to direct their child to the age-appropriate areas of the Library (such as Childrens, Tweens, Teens sections) for Internet access.

Pikes Peak Library District’s Role

PPLD shall provide Internet access and its resources to all users. Library staff is available to assist users who need help navigating the Internet, identifying reliable sources of information, and/or receiving technical assistance. The Library cannot guarantee a wireless connection or access to all online resources. The Library reserves the right to engage in monitoring activities at its sole discretion, for the safety of its Staff and users without notice unless otherwise restricted by law. The Library shall abide by the Colorado Consumer Data Protection Laws. See FAQ with more information about these laws.

Internet and Computer Terms of Use

Access to and use of the Internet is a service offered by the Library, which should be used in a responsible manner consistent with the educational, informational, and recreational purposes for which it is provided. Users are cautioned that all transactions, files and communications on the Library’s computers are vulnerable to unauthorized access and, therefore, should be considered public.

  • Users are responsible for complying with all applicable local, state and federal laws.
  • Users are responsible for complying with copyright laws or software licenses.
  • Users may not interfere in the rights and privacy of others.
  • Users may not view pornography or deliberately send, receive or display obscene images.
  • Users may not disclose, use, or disseminate any unauthorized personal identification information of minors.
  • Users may not disrupt or attempt to disrupt any Library services, equipment or software (including disabling filters, hacking, modifying software or installing programs).
  • Users may not damage any Library hardware, software, data, furniture or equipment.

Restriction or Suspension of User Access

Violations of any part of this Computer Use and Internet Safety Policy may result in the loss of Library privileges, including restricted access or suspension from Library facilities. Users will be held responsible for any damage to hardware, software, data, furniture or equipment. Illegal acts involving Library computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.

Approved by PPLD Board of Trustees on Feb. 19, 2025.


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