
Book Review: Intensity

Kenyon, Sherrilyn
3 stars = Pretty Good

Intensity is the last installment of the Chronicles of Nick series. In this book, Nick's destiny is tested in ways he never thought could be possible. For one, he learns that he has a son in the future and that he's come to the past to ruin Nick's life and destroy him and the world. Then, he learns that his greatest enemies have somehow enslaved his future self and turned his friends against him. And worst of all, he learns that his mother's death is the catalyst for him losing his mind. At this point, Nick wants to give up. How can he fight against a son he has no knowledge of, enemies he can't see, or the fact that the most important person in his life is going to be gone sooner rather than later?

This book was different structurally than the rest of the books because it includes pictures of the characters and jumps between different points of view. At first, it's confusing to figure out how much time has passed from the events of the last book to what's happening in this book, but after a moment, the plot gets clearer and more interesting. This wasn't my favorite book in the series because there wasn't as much action and the end was very confusing and I felt, didn't fit with the theme. A lot of new characters were introduced, some of which were largely irrelevant and I felt were just added to try to make the plot more complex, but just made it more confusing.

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Book Review: The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell

The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell
Colfer, Chris
4 stars = Really Good

Alex was always different. Like the puzzle piece that never fit in. Meanwhile her twin brother was her polar opposite. But the twins always shared a love of fairy tales. When their grandmother stops by their house one day and give them the infamous book called the Land of Stories they grew up with, the twins were excited. Soon the excitement turned to confusion when the book started glowing. To their surprise they landed in the Land of Stories.

This book is a great book for people who love twists on fairy tales, misinterpreted characters, and a good long series. This book was a great easy read to just sit down and enjoy. Highly recommend!

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Book Review: The City of Ember

DuPrau, Jeanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The city of Ember is story of Lina Mayfleet, who wants to be a messenger in Ember, however she gets a job called the "pipe worker". Pipe workers have to work all they long in the deep sticky underground. However Doon, wants to be a electrician helper or pipe worker because he likes to work with machines, so he wants to see generator that makes electricity. However he gets job called "messenger", who runs all around the city and send messages to other citizens. Doon trade his job with Lina, and they both got job they want. Every thing is running out of the ember, lightbulb, food, energy, etc. Doon and Lina try to find the secret of the Ember, they try to find the way out of the Ember and for there future.

I give this book, the city of Ember 5-star rating. I loved this story because its adventurous and it hooks me in second page, also it makes reader to think about what's going to happen in future, and also makes readers want to read more and make reader interesting and imagine what is going on.

My favorite aspect of this book was when Doon and Lina was picking their jobs to work in the Ember. It was quite interesting to me because they actually don't get to choose there own job. Lina pick pipe worker, and Doon pick messenger. However they both don't like there jobs. Luckily, because they don't like there job, they trade there job and they'd like there new job now. The all familiar question of reader of Ember: Why Doon want to be a pipe worker? What is going to happen next? Why Ember are having blackouts? Where are Ember?

I also tell you that Ember heavily depends on electricity, and its running out of it. There only food is canned food. The city is dying, everyone knows it. When Lina finds a secret box that her great grand father have left with letter in it, and it was secret of the Ember. However, unfortunately, it was chew by her sister, poppy. Doon and Lina try to find what is the secret mean.

I also really liked the setting of the ember, the dark moon, only shining on the top of the Ember, no lights, dark, deep darkness. I can't spoil where it is but, there are blackout. There are only Ember, the light of the world, there are noting beside Ember. At unknown region, there are only infinity of darkness.

Overall, this is an easy read that adventurous, fun and it keep my eyes on the book whole time i read the city of Ember.

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Book Review: Curtsies and Conspiracies

Carringer, Gail
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Curtsies and Conspiracies follows Sophronia Temminnick, a girl who just finished her first semester at deadly finishing school. The new semester brings fresh battles, hardships, and fun! When there's a fancy ball in London that all the girls want to go to, Sophronia is skeptical. What could be there that's worth it? The plot of this book is filled with twists and turns, and you should definitely check it out!

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Book Review: Etiquette and Espionage

Carriger, Gail
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The book, Etiquette and Espionage, follows the teenage, mischievous, unladylike Sophronia. Her mother deems her manners unfit, and sends her off to finishing school. As she quickly learns, this "finishing school" isn't what it seems. The school is an academy for spying and deadly maneuvers. Throughout her first few weeks and months, Sophronia makes friends with some colorful characters, and learns that life might not be all manners and fun. This book is packed with adventure and will make you hang on to the edge of your seat! Try it out, there'll be some plot twists and laughs all along the way.

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Book Review: Renegades

Meyer, Marissa
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Renegades is about a place where life is controlled by The Renegades, a group of people who were born with super powers. The main character, Nova, detests the Renegades, and she wants to overthrow them. Nova joins a group of like minded individuals that are determined to dismantle The Renegades. I really enjoyed reading this book because it was very suspenseful and the concept was very entertaining. I also liked that it was science fiction because I have never really read any science fiction books. This is one of my favorite books.

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Book Review: The Wild Robot

Brown, Peter
4 stars = Really Good

The Wild Robot takes place on an island where a shipment of robots has crashed. Only one Robot had survived the crash, so she has to learn how to adapt to the wilderness. On her journey, she befriends the woodland creatures and learns to speak their language. I enjoyed this book a lot because it was light hearted. I enjoy being outside and in nature, so this book was interesting to me. The only issue I had with it was that it was very short, and I would have liked to have read more of it.

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Book Review: The Heart of Betrayal

Pearson, Mary E.
4 stars = Really Good

Heart of Betrayal is how Lia travels through the dessert trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. On the way she crosses how to truly connect with her gift. Then she arrives at Venda. People are succumbing, and start to begrudgingly like her. For some people a little too much. Lia has gone through the whole rainbow of emotions. Now she has to take action before it too late.
In this book the beginning was a little slow for me but it sped up significantly once she got to Venda. Lia is no "little girl" in this book, her character arc is so perfect. This book has a character everyone can love.

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Book Review: Lore

Bracken, Alexandra
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Lore is about a girl trying to forget her past. When Castor, her childhood best friend, shows up unexpected, Lore is questioning what does she really know about her old life. The story she made up about her families murder doesn't make sense anymore, but she refuses to believe she's wrong. This is a book about Lore's journey through grief and sorrow. Throughout this book Lore acquires more people from her past. The end was a twist I would have never expected. This was a book of betrayal, acceptance, change, forgiveness, and love. This tale is one of my favorites.

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Book Review: Steelheart

Brandon Sanderson
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Brandon Sanderson’s book, Steelheart, is an amazing book. It follows David, a misfit obsessed with the knowledge of Epics after his father’s death. Epics are the “super humans” that have powers- and they’ve taken over his city and his life. After joining a group called the Reckoners, David and his new friends set out to take down the leader of the Epics. Along the way, he meets new people and builds relationships with his team. The end of this book is a cliff hanger that will make you need to read the sequels! Steelheart is an amazing book that teens and young adults are sure to love. Check it out!

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