
Book Review: Dorothy Must Die

Paige, D.M.
4 stars = Really Good

Dorothy Must Die follows Amy Gumm, a trailer-park living girl from Kansas, who has battled through a not present mother, school bullies, and a life of loneliness. However, all things change for Amy Gumm when she is transported into the land of Oz. But things don't seem to be the same, cheerful, yellow brick road Oz that Amy has always heard about, and she fears that she may be in for a much more sinister adventure than she'd planned.
Dorothy Must Die is a fantasy novel that is based on The Wizard of Oz but with a dark twist. Personally, I enjoyed Amy as a character and felt that all her hard experiences in life really turned her into a dynamic character. I also enjoyed seeing how the other turned the happy tale of Oz into something way more dark and deeper. Many of the new twists the author applied to this classic tale were very imaginative and applicable to today's society, and I enjoyed the creativity the novel displayed. Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reworked fairytales, and dark fantasy.

Reviewer Grade: 11

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Book Review: Tuck Everlasting

Babbitt, Natalie
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

If you want a very fascinating book you can be sucked into for hours, wanting more, I have to recommend Tuck Everlasting. The idea of the spring water basically making everyone immortal is amazing and after you read it, it leaves you wondering, what would you do if you had water that kept you basically immortal? The idea of a magical spring such as the Fountain of Youth has always been pondered, but this story asks more than just "what would you do if you found it?". It makes you think, would you want to share it with anyone? How would being immortal be? Would you have to live in secret? The book is great if you want to follow an amazing and magical story of friendship and if you want to wonder, what really would happen if you met an immortal family and found magical immortality water?

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Book Review: These Violent Delights

Gong, Chloe
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book does a wonderful job of educating readers about history of the 1920's in Shanghai while still being an action-packed and entertaining story. The plot of two gang heirs clashing as they each work to solve the mystery of an unleashed monster in the city is unique and captivating. I love the devotion of each character to protect their loved ones and battle the conflict of values in Shanghai. This book also keeps readers on their toes. The moment I felt like the story was predictable, it proved me wrong! The longer read is worth it for being immersed in these characters' experience. I look forward to reading the sequel.

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Book Review: Morning Star

Brown, Pierce
3 stars = Pretty Good

After a year being tortured by Adrius Augustus, better known as The Jackal, Darrow has escaped capture and resumed his campaign against the tyrannical rule of the Sovereign of the Society. But Darrow isn't the man he was a year ago: he's been broken down, dehumanized, and kept in a dark cell for over a year, and now has more doubts than ever. The people he thought were his best friends betrayed him, and the last time he saw the woman he loves, she was walking away from him after learning the truth about his Carving. While Darrow knows that he is likely the last chance at destroying the Society and bringing peace, his own self-doubts and struggles could be the thing that gets him killed.

Compared to the first two books of the trilogy, this book's plot is slower and admittedly, harder to get through. I did appreciate how there is more of a focus on Darrrow's growth from a teenager to a man, and his overall growth in shifting from fighting for himself to fighting for others and a better world for everyone, not just the Reds. However, the book is lengthy and I felt there was an unnecessary amount of "fluff" and plot points that weren't relevant to the overarching plot of the novel. The ending was nice (if not bittersweet), and I'm content with where each of the characters ended.

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Book Review: Wings of Fire: The Hidden Kingdom

Sutherland, Tui
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Wings of Fire: The Hidden Kingdom, is one of my favorite books of all time. Escaping their captivity in the Sea Kingdom, the dragonets of destiny flee to the rainforest. There, they meet the infamously lazy tribe of dragons, who shelter them. But someone, or something, is disturbing this peaceful and colorful tribe. Can the dragonets save the missing dragons, and find a way to save the world before the brightest night? Well, you’ll only find out by reading the book. Although this book is about dragons, the qualities we find in our society are replicated in theirs. Each of the characters have flaws and strengths. Their personalities vary, and show emotions like greed, kindness, and sadness. As said before, qualities in our society are portrayed in the dragon society too. For example, racism, politics, and rivalries exist, and Tui. addresses these problems through the characters and their actions. By having anti racist characters, and peacekeeping characters, Tui. presents solutions to the problems in our society. All in all, I definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a good read.

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Book Review: Dance of Thieves

Pearson, Mary E.
3 stars = Pretty Good

Dance of Thieves has such high praise, but the pacing of this book was the dealbreaker for me. An ideal "enemies to lovers" plot (especially a promising one in a dystopian/medieval setting) needs to be extended enough to where the reader fully understands each character's normal personality compared to when they interact with the love interest. If this time period cannot be conveyed throughout the book, then a description of the past needs to be lengthy and detailed. This book tried to have both and failed. Some scenes with were enjoyable and made me want to see what would happen next, but there was no mystery to it. I could always predict the next move despite such infuriating hesitancy about if the characters will be together for the long-term or not. Not for me, but try it if you absolutely love the trope!
Grade 11

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Book Review: I Crawl Through It

King, A. S.
4 stars = Really Good

I Crawl Through It is about four traumatized teenagers trying to escape the crushing anxieties of everyday life. Stanzi refuses to stop wearing her lab coat. Gustav is building an invisible helicopter that you can only see once a week. China turned herself inside out. Lansdale's hair won't stop growing, and she won't stop lying. Through the course of the novel, they'll learn that escaping life isn't an escape at all, and that the only way to get through the tribulations of life is to crawl straight through it.
This is easily one of the most metaphorical and twisting books I've ever read. The book makes no distinction between reality and metaphor, which is definitely a very interesting mode of writing. When the books says people turn themselves inside out or build invisible helicopters, it commits to that. The blurring of reality is definitely intentional, and really brings across the character's traumas and struggles. The book is still strangely realistic despite fantastical occurrences. It does a magnificent job of not romanticizing mental illness or trauma, as the aftereffects and the circumstances themselves are described as gritty, horrible facts of life. The book sidesteps the photogenic, dramatic, gently sad depictions of mental illness and instead hits you with the ugly, gut-wrenching truth. The prose, as in most A.S. King books, is still phenomenal, and creates a strange, unsettling emotion that perfectly reflects the tone of the book. However, this book can be disturbing or confusing at some points, and while it is interesting, I wouldn't call it a fun read.
All in all, this book is a strange experience. The mix of metaphor and fantasy with the realities of mental illness and trauma create a story unlike any I've read before. I'd recommend it to people interested in unorthodox plotlines, strange writing styles, and invisible helicopters.
Review Grade: 11

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Book Review: Life of Pi

Martel, Yann
3 stars = Pretty Good

I rate this book three stars. The book tells the story of Pi, a young boy who escapes a sinking ship full of animals onto an escape boat. The only problem is, he is stuck with a tiger on the escape boat. The book explains the journey Pi takes to tame and live with the tiger. I can relate to Pi in the sense that we will step up to incredible levels when necessary. I would recommend this book to anyone.

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Book Review: Dune

Herbert, Frank
4 stars = Really Good

Dune is the first book in a series by Frank Herbert (something I didn't know until after I had started reading). This was a wonderfully imaginative book with interesting characters, conflict, and world building.
You follow Paul as he travels to the planet of Arrakis. You similarly follow those close to him, notably his mother, Jessica, as they all grow accustomed to the unfamiliar landscape and the politics that encompass it.
While the language of the characters originally threw me off, I grew accustomed to it and it helped immerse me in the story and characters. Seeing the dynamics and customs of not only the Atreides family, but also natives of Arrakis, was interesting and better as they intertwined with each other.
Also seeing the various themes of the story was also appealing (thanks English class!) as they intersect with each other in ways I've never seen before.
This is a great book and I recommend it, even if Sci-fi isn't your normal genre.
Reviewer's Grade: 11

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Book Review: The Last Fallen Star

Kim, Graci
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Last Fallen Star is a great book for anyone who is in to magic and mystery. This book is full of action and has a amazing message. I think that the message is to accept yourself even if you are different and for people to learn how to accept someone who is different. This story tell of a Korean girl who tries to get powers to be the same as everyone. Her sister wants to help but something goes wrong, the it is a race to see if the sister can be saved. Overall I think this is an amazing book. There is a second book “The Last Fallen Moon”, and I can’t wait for it to be released. I will totally recommend this book to anyone.

Grade 7

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