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Patriot Day

Patriot Day

Date Published: September 09, 2022

Patriot Day (September 11) commemorates the lives of those who died in the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. This includes those who perished during the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the hijacked Flight 93, as well as those who died while attempting to rescue others.

Library Resources

PPLD is providing free pocket Constitutions at every Library location in the District from Patriot Day (September 11) to Constitution Day (September 17), or until supplies last.

Patriot Day – Remember 9/11 (Playlist)

9/11: Inside Air Force One (Documentary)
9/11: The Pentagon (Documentary)
9/11: The Attack That Shook the World (eBook)
9/11: I Was There (Documentary)

Generation 9/11 (Documentary)
Failing to Connect the Dots (Documentary)
What Happened on September 11 (Documentary)
Man in the Red Bandana (Documentary)
The Second Day (Documentary)

Additional Resources

9/11 Memorial & Museum - The 9/11 Memorial & Museum is committed to providing relevant and engaging learning opportunities for students, teachers, families, and the general public.

Library of Congress - Resources for 9/11 from the Library of Congress

September 11 Digital Archive - The September 11 Digital Archive uses electronic media to collect, preserve, and present the history of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. The Archive contains more than 150,000 digital items, a tally that includes more than 40,000 emails and other electronic communications, more than 40,000 first-hand stories, and more than 15,000 digital images. In September 2003, the Library of Congress accepted the Archive into its collections, an event that both ensured the Archive's long-term preservation and marked the library's first major digital acquisition.

National Archives – Remembering 9/11