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Kids STEM: Ice Volcanoes
- Baking soda (1/3 c.)
- Vinegar
- Small bowl
- Golf ball or other small ball that sinks and doesn't float
- Tray
- Paper towels
- Warm water (1 cup)
- Plastic wrap
- Food coloring
- Put a golf ball in a small bowl. Cover both the ball and bowl with plastic wrap, making sure the wrap hangs out over the edge. Push the plastic wrap down around the ball.
- Mix a third cup baking soda into one cup of warm water and add food coloring. Mix well.
- Pour the mixture into the small bowl and over and around the golf ball. Make sure you cover the ball with the baking soda/water mixture. You may need to spoon in some of the baking soda that sits at the bottom of the bowl of warm water.
- Place the bowl in a flat place in the freezer. Freeze for at least 4 hrs.
- When frozen solid, place the bowl in warm water so the ice comes loose. Place on a tray and lift the volcano out of the bowl. Pry out the golf ball with a spoon and carefully remove the plastic wrap.
- Spoon on some vinegar and watch the icy volcano. This project is fun to do outside.
- Refreeze your volcano for another day, if there's anything left.