Kids Make: Summer Solstice Celebration Crafts

Shadow Art


  • Animal toys
  • Blocks
  • Large paper
  • Marker
  • Watercolors or crayons


  1. Set up toys and blocks in a sunny area outside, preferably on a hard surface.
  2. Put a large piece of paper next to the toys and position it so that the shadows of the toys can be seen on the paper.
  3. Trace the shadows with a thick, black marker.
  4. Try tracing several times throughout the day to track how the shadows change shape as the sun travels across the sky.
  5. Add watercolors or crayons to make your shadow art come to life!

Nature Crowns


  • Two long strips of paper 1 - 2 1/2 inches wide
  • Colorful paper
  • Cardstock
  • A pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Stapler


  1. Draw petal and leaf shapes on your colorful paper. You can create templates for your petal and leaf shapes by drawing on a thick paper, cutting out the shapes, and tracing it onto the colorful paper.
  2. Cut out flowers and leaves.
  3. Use glue and/or stapler to attach the long strips of paper.
  4. Glue on flowers leaves.
  5. Wrap your crown around your head to find the right length for you and then glue or staple it together.
  6. Your nature crown is now ready to wear!

Time Capsule Envelope


  • An envelope
  • Paper for writing or drawing
  • Markers or colored pencils


  1. Decorate your envelope, write Summer Solstice 2020, and a include a future date when the envelope can be opened.
  2. Take some time to write about what today means to you. What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
  3. Take a walk and collect some nature treasures to include in your envelope, draw a picture, add in anything else you’d like!
  4. Put in a safe place to store until it can be opened again.

Watch these projects at:…