What's New!

PPLD recently conducted a video contest in which entrants were asked to create a video of 60 seconds or less letting us know why PPLD Rocks. Here are the winners:

First Place:

Second Place:

Third Place:

Judging was very difficult because we received so many other wonderful entries:

kid punches dinosaur

cool science festivalPPLD's Video Center hosted another fantastic green screen experience on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at the Big Cool Science Festival at Colorado College. This time, budding scientists and engineers had an opportunity to visit Mars, hang out in Tesla's lab, or stand on a strand of DNA. Need proof? Take a look at the evidence in our flickr set.

The Teen Art Contest is for teens and by teens. Teens create the art. Teens determine the winners.

Every story, adventure and journey starts from square one. The theme for our 2014 Teen Art Show & Contest was: Art2. Art Squared allowed the artist to choose the content and the medium. Our only request? The artwork must be square.

All of the artwork will be displayed at either Penrose and East Library during the month of April.

Best of Show - High School

Best of Show - High School:
Kodi’s Midnight Trek - Becka Jackson

Best of Show - Middle School

Best of Show - Middle School:
Spiral – Meera Bhatia

First Place - High School

First Place - High School:
Adrift - Kendra Baucom

First Place - Middle School

First Place - Middle School:
Goal - Raven Henriquez

Second Place - High School

Second Place - High School:
I Eat Numbers - Moriah Gilbert

Second Place - Middle School

Second Place - Middle School:
Rose - Alysia Jiminez

Coordinator's Choice - High School

Coordinator's Choice - High School:
Silent Night - Eloro Lobosco

Coordinator's Choice - Middle School

Coordinator's Choice - Middle School:
Day of the Dead - Raelynn Gross