2016 PPLD Teen Fiction Writing Contest Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the Teen Fiction Writing Contest! All the winners stories will be published in a digital anthology.

Middle School

1st place: "Mary Cinclare" by Rohit Paradkar
Tie for 2nd place: "The Battle of Feather and Claw" by Liberty
Harms and "Life Guarded" by Sophia Mayhugh
3rd place: "Loss and Change" by Madelyn Prichard
Honorable mention: "Anomaly" by Christen Mayberry

High School

1st place: “Purple Problems” by Kristen Kater
Tie for 2nd place: "Fall from (Lack of) Grace" by Nicole Eiland and
"Pictures of Love" by Ellie Ford.
3rd place: "The Truth of Memories" by Maggie Tibbitt
Honorable mention: "An Account of One Of My More Profitable
Jobs" by Victoria Hecker

Congratulations to all the winners! We will post the anthology when it is complete!