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Teen Scene

Tween Reads

Novelist Plus

NoveList Plus is a database available to help you find your next great read. You'll always be able to find the perfect fiction, nonfiction or audiobook material based on expert recommendations, reviews, and lists. Look up a book by title or author and find others similar to it or browse based on genre or topic of interest!

Recommended Websites

  1. Provides bibliographies for over 10,000 authors and information on over 200,000 books.

  2. The Popular Paperbacks committee creates lists of books to encourage young adults to read for pleasure!

  3. Yearly lists compiled and selected by American Library Association members.

  4. Lists titles in adult, young adult, and juvenile fiction series.

  5. The Teens' Top Ten is a "teen choice" list, where teens nominate and choose their favorite books of the previous year!

    Winners are announced in October during Teen Read Week.