Early Literacy Take and Make: Chalk Drawings

Take and Make kits for this project will be available at area PPLD libraries beginning Dec. 26, 2020

Materials Provided in Take and Make:

  • Sandpaper
  • Chalk
  • Various papers

Materials Needed from home:

  • Container of water


Reading and writing go together! Writing begins with scribbles and other marks on paper. Encourage your child to “write” in various ways. In doing so, he’ll practice hand/eye coordination and develop hand muscles. Encourage your child to talk about what he is drawing. You can write captions for the drawings. As you do this, he’ll start building connections between written and spoken word.

See what he can create with these simple reading readiness activities:

  • Draw with chalk on sandpaper
  • Dip the chalk into a container of water to draw on the black construction paper
  • Crumple a paper, flatten it again, and then draw on it to experiment with texture
  • Draw on colored paper.
  • Take the chalk outside and draw on the sidewalk. What can he create? How does the texture affect the drawing?