- “Let’s Play a Game” (short story in Space and Time Magazine, Spring 2017)
- “Love: The Eternal Home” (creative nonfiction in Creations Magazine, 2002)
- “Love: The Eternal Home” (creative nonfiction in Moondance Magazine, 2002)
- “Made in the Shade” (in Arizona Republic, June 9, 2001)
- “Mergirl in Morning” (poem in Merfolk Anthology, forthcoming Dec. 2023)
- “Mischling.” Nonwhite and Woman: 131 Micro Essays on Being in the World. Eds. D…
- “Monsoon Disco Days and Nights” (in Chandler Heights Monthly, Sep. 1999)
- “Outsiders and Others: Revisiting Richard Wright’s Underground Man.” Connection…
- “Savta” (creative nonfiction in Long Term Care Interface, 2006)